KDE 4.2 on Gentoo – Part 3: The KDE Install

Part 1: KDE 4.2 on Gentoo – Part 1: The Preparation

Part 2: KDE 4.2 on Gentoo – Part 2: The KDE Pre-Requisites

This post will talk about installing KDE packages. The KDE base set is a package containing a good base KDE install. If you don’t know what a set is, it’s a new thing with Portage 2.2.

Step 1: Install KDE 4.2

This part is the easiest one. But only if you did the previous parts correctly. Before you begin, it would be wise to verify each of the previous steps ran fine. A quick checklist:

  1. x11-libs/qt-* packages are all the same version – 4.5.0 currently. Even if they’re not the latest, they should be the same version. Otherwise, things will be breaking.
  2. qt-phonon is not installed.
  3. PyQt4 is built with webkit and svg USE flags.
  4. dev-util/kdevplatform is installed.
  5. kde-base/okular is installed.

If all the previous items are fine, you are then ready to install KDE 4.2

To install KDE 4.2, run the following command.

emerge -av @kdebase

After KDE install is done, you should be able to launch if from your display manager (xdm, gdm, or kdm). If you use command line, then you should be able to use the following command.


KDE 4.2 on Gentoo – Part 2: The KDE Pre-Requisites

Previous Part: KDE 4.2 on Gentoo – Part 1: The Preparation

The previous post talked about preparing for KDE 4.2.1 install. KDE 4.2.1 via sets requires portage version 2.2 to use sets.

This post talks about KDE specific pre-requisites. KDE uses Qt which is a GUI rendering SDK. This means that any changes to Qt on your system require rebuilding KDE. So first you must ensure that your system has all the Qt components installed correctly.

From the Gentoo KDE install guide, you can download a package.keywords file showing all packages that need to be ~ unmasked. Append that file to your existing /etc/portage/package.keywords file.

Step 1: Update Qt packages

Now upgrade all the Qt components. Make sure you unmask all the following, if these are not in the downloaded package.keywords file.

x11-libs/qt ~x86
x11-libs/qt-sql ~x86
x11-libs/qt-core ~x86
x11-libs/qt-assistant ~x86
x11-libs/qt-gui ~x86
x11-libs/qt-dbus ~x86
x11-libs/qt-script ~x86
x11-libs/qt-test ~x86
x11-libs/qt-qt3support ~x86
x11-libs/qt-svg ~x86
x11-libs/qt-xmlpatterns ~x86
x11-libs/qt-opengl ~x86
x11-libs/qt-webkit ~x86
x11-libs/qt-phonon ~x86

You can either install KDE and let the ebuild update Qt components or you can manually update Qt components. The KDE ebuilds aren’t correctly tracking dependencies. So I recommend ensuring Qt before starting KDE install.

To update all the Qt packages, you can run the following command.

emerge -uav qt qt-sql qt-core qt-assistant qt-gui qt-dbus qt-script qt-test qt-qt3support qt-svg qt-xmlpatterns qt-opengl qt-webkit

You can remove the u parameter from emerge parameters so that all packages are rebuilt. But if you want to save time, you can let emerge build only the ones needing an update. I recommend using without u and rebuilding all packages.

Important note: Do not install qt-phonon. KDE provides media-sound/phonon & kde-base/phonon-kde to replace that. If you find you have qt-phonon installed, uninstall it. To verify if it is installed you can run the following command.

eix -c qt-phonon

The output should look something like the following output.

[N] x11-libs/qt-phonon ((~)4.5.0(4)): The Phonon module for the Qt toolkit

The [N] means it’s a new install.  If you see a [I], then it’s installed. To uninstall it run the following command:

emerge -C qt-phonon

Step 2: Update other components

After the Qt update, you will need to update PyQt4. It is a good idea to simply rebuild. Make sure you build this with the webkit USE flag, else you will run into problems.

In the file /etc/portage/package.use, add the following line.

dev-python/PyQt4 webkit svg

Now rebuild PyQt4. Use the following command.

emerge -av PyQt4

Step 3: Update some more components

You will need to update the following components. Use the following commands.

emerge -av dev-util/kdevplatform

emerge -av kde-base/okular


Part 3: KDE 4.2 on Gentoo – Part 3: The KDE Install

KDE 4.2 on Gentoo – Part 1: The Preparation

So it’s almost 4 days  installing KDE4.2 on Gentoo. It’s a long process. All the compiling is just too long. Takes a long time to compile something, then if a dependency is recompiled, and kdelibs need to be recompiled. Current sets and ebuilds don’t track this stuff properly. This is why the packages are still masked. But if you’re willing to spend time and work on the install, it should be possible to install KDE 4.2.

This post will talk about preparing for a KDE install.

You can install KDEfrom the kde-testing overlay or using the sets in the new protage 2.2. The new portage is masked, so you will have unmask it and then install it.

Step 1: Upgrade Portage to 2.2

The latest portage is Portage 2.2_rc23. To unmask this edit the file: /etc/portage/package.keywords. Add the line shown below:

=sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc23 ~x86

You are ready to install portage. To install the new portage, run the command shown below.

emerge -av =sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc23

Step 2: Sync emerge

emerge --sync

Step 3: Update the eix database.


If you do not have eix, you’re missing out on a real nifty search tool. You can install it by running the command:

emerge -av app-portage/eix

Now your search database and portage cache should be up to date.

To Be Cont’d.

Part 2: KDE 4.2 on Gentoo – Part 2: The KDE Pre-Requisites

Part 3: KDE 4.2 on Gentoo – Part 3: The KDE Install